Chloroform fumigation extraction for measuring soil microbial biomass: The validity of using samples approaching water saturation
Adi Oren, Nativ Rotbart, Mikhail Borisover, Asher Bar-Tal. 2018
Chloroform fumigation extraction for measuring soil microbial biomass: The validity of using samples approaching water saturation
Chloroform fumigation extraction for measuring soil microbial biomass: The validity of using samples approaching water saturation
Geoderma 3019 204-207
Adi Oren, Nativ Rotbart, Mikhail Borisover, Asher Bar-Tal.
Treated wastewater irrigation: Soil variables and grapefruit tree performance
Agricultural water management 204, 126-137.
Indira Paudel, Asher Bar-Tal, Guy J Levy, Nativ Rotbart, Jhonathan E Ephrath, Shabtai Cohen
Lower leaf gas‐exchange and higher photorespiration of treated wastewater irrigated Citrus trees is modulated by soil type and climate
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Indira Paudel, Avi Shaviv, Nirit Bernstein, Bruria Heuer, Or Shapira, Victor Lukyanov, Asher Bar‐Tal, Nativ Rotbart, Jhonathan Ephrath, Shabtai Cohen
Examination of residual chloroform interference in the measurement of microbial biomass C by fumigation-extraction
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 111, 60-65
Rotbart, Nativ, Borisover, Mikhail, Bukhanovsky, Nadezhda, Nasonova, Alla, Bar-Tal, Asher & Oren, Adi.
Estimating olive leaf nitrogen concentration using VIS-NIR spectral reflectance
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